Research & Faculty
Ruizhi Pang


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Fields: industrial organization trends and performance, digitalization and the service economy, and health resource allocation and optimization.

Ruizhi Pang is Professor of Economics, in the College of Economic and Social Development at Nankai University. Her broad research interests are industrial organization trends and performance, digitalization and the service economy, and health resource allocation and optimization. She has made advances in research on efficiency and productivity, and has contributed to the creation and proposal of methods for green development in productivity accounting. She joined Nankai University in 2002 and has been teaching at the College of Economic and Social Development ever since. She is the director of the Enterprise Research Center at Nankai University. She is an anonymous reviewer for several renowned journals, including Omega, Empirical Economics, and Economic Research (Chinese). She is the organizer and executive chairman of the widely influential “Asia Pacific Productivity Conference” (APPC2016) first held in Chinese universities.

Thesis monograph

Articles in Journals

[1] Pang, R. Z., Liu, L., & Zhang, S. (2023). How Does Digitalization Affect Business Innovation? ——Based on the Perspective of Human Capital and Transaction Cost Transmission Mechanism. Nankai Economic Studies, 2, 75-.

[2] Deng, Z. Q., Pang, R. Z., & Chen, Y. J. (2022). From Market Power to Effective Market Power: An Example of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry. Journal of Management World, 38(01), 90-108.

[3] Kao, C., Pang, R. Z., Liu, S. T., & Bai, X. J. (2021). Optimal expansion paths for hospitals of different types: Viewpoint of scope economies and evidence from Chinese hospitals. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(2), 628-638.

[4] Deng, Z. Q., Jiang, N., Song, S. F., & Pang, R. Z. (2020). Misallocation and price distortions: A revenue decomposition of medical service providers in China. China Economic Review, 65, 101574.

[5] Deng, Z. Q., Jiang, N., & Pang, R. Z. (2019). Factor-analysis-based directional distance function: The case of New Zealand hospitals. Omega, 98,102111.

[6] Pang, R. Z., & Deng, Z. Q. (2014). Is Productivity of Service Sector Really low? Economic Research Journal, 49(12), 86-99.

[7] Pang, R. Z., Fan, Y., & Li, Y. (2014). Has Technical Innovation Supported Economic Development in China?  The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 31(10), 37-52.

[8] Pang, R. Z., & Li, P. (2011). Product’s Homogeneity, Local Protection of Investment and Measure of the Integration of Domestic Market. Economic Research Journal, 46(11), 36-47+59.

[9] Pang, R. Z., Li, P., & Lu, Y. G. (2011). Study on “New-type” Industrialization Growth Performance and Its Factors during the Transitional Period—Based on “New-type” Industrialization Total Factor Productivity. China Industrial Economics, 04, 64-73.



[1] Energy, Environment and Transitional Green Growth in China, Springer, 2018

[1] Digitalization and ‘Baumol's Cost Disease’ - Theoretical Reflection and Practical Examination, Key Projects of Nankai University Liberal Arts Development Fund, 2022

[2] Key Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, A Study on the Structural Imbalance of China’s Health Resources and the Optimal Allocation Path in the Post Epidemic Era, 2021

[3] Research on Major Issues of Constructing an Autonomous and Controllable Modern Industrial System under the Economic Conditions of Great Powers, Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, 2021

[4] A Study on the Structural Mismatch of China’s Graded Diagnosis and Treatment System and the Optimization of Medical Resource Allocation Efficiency

[5] A Study on the Structural Mismatch of China’s Graded Diagnosis and Treatment System and the Optimization of Medical Resource Allocation Efficiency, The Humanities and Social Sciences Program of the Ministry of Education, 2020

[6] Research on the Systematic Review and Upgrading Path of China’s Service Industry Organization and Productivity under the New Normal, The Humanities and Social Sciences Program of the Ministry of Education, 2015

[7] Empirical Investigation and Improvement Path Research on the Efficiency of Industrial Growth in China during the Transformation Period, General projects of the National Social Science Foundation, 2010

[1] The 15th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievement Award, 2018

[2] The 14th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievement Award, 2016

[3] The 12th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievement Award, 2010

[4] The 11th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievement Award, 2008

  • Academic Committee Member, Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference

  • Member, China Industrial Economics Society

  • Theory of Industrial Organization

  • Analysis of Efficiency and Productivity

  • Innovation, Productivity and Industrial dynamics