Zhilun Jiao

Associate Professor,


Office Hours:By Appointment

CV Website:https://nku-esd.nankai.edu.cn/info/1111/1226.htm


Ph.D. in Regional Economics, Nankai University


Fields:Transportation and Logistics Policy;Urban and Regional Economics;Energy and Environmental Economics

Zhilun Jiao is an associate professor of the Logistics Research Center, College of Economic and Social Development (CESD), Nankai University. He has been selected for the top 2% of the world's leading scientists released by Stanford University for the years 2023 and 2024. He is also recognized as a Highly Cited Chinese Scholar by Elsevier for the years 2022-2024. His main research interests include e-commerce logistics, intelligent logistics, energy and sustainable development, business economy, and technological economy. In recent years, he has published nearly 50 high-level papers in global journals such as Energy Economics, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Energy, Energy Policy, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Management, Sustainable Development, The World Economy, and China top journals such as Economic Geography, Nankai Economic Studies, Business Economics and Management, and China Science and Technology Forum. Among these, nearly 30 papers have been published in international Q1 journals indexed by SCI, SSCI, and EI, with many being Highly Cited Papers and Hot Papers of the year in WoS. He has been involved in the compilation of the "China Modern Logistics Development Report" for over 15 years, serving as a section editor and executive editor, and has presented his report findings at the U.S. CSCMP Supply Chain Management Annual Conference on multiple occasions to introduce the development of logistics in China to the rest of the world. Jiao is also a guest reviewer for academic journals such as Energy Economics, Energy Policy, TF&SC, JEMA, REPO, ESPR, IJFE, Nankai Management Review, and Business Economics and Management, both domestically and internationally.

Thesis monograph

Selected Research Papers

[1]  A Recursive Dynamic CGE Approach to Investigate Environmental Kuznets Curve. Journal of Environmental Management,2024.8

[2]  Shock transmission between climate policy uncertainty, financial stress indicators, oil price uncertainty and industrial metal volatility: Identifying moderators, hedgers and shock transmitters. Energy Economics, 2024.6.

[3]  Disentangling the Intelligentization–Carbon Emission Nexus within China’s Logistics Sector: An Econometric Approach. Energies, 2024.8.

[4]  数字经济发展必然降低行业碳排放吗?——来自物流业的新证据.南开经济研究.2024.6.

[5]  On the transmission of oil supply and demand shocks to CO2 emissions in the US by considering uncertainty: A time-varying perspective.Resources Policy. 2023.10.

[6]  The economic growth-travel frequency nexus in China: importance of the transport Kuznets curve, The World Economy, 2023.7.

[7]  Financial Development as a New Determinant of Energy Diversification: The Role of Natural Capital and Structural Changes in Australia, Energy Economics, 2023.8.

[8]  Oil prices and geopolitical risk: Fresh insights based on Granger-causality in quantiles analysis, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2023.3.

[9]  On the transmission of oil supply and demand shocks to CO2 emissions in the US by considering uncertainty: A time-varying perspective, Resources Policy 2023.8.

[10]   Dynamic volatility spillover between oil and marine shipping industry, Energy Reports,2023.2.

[11]   Exploring the Growth of Sustainable Energy Technologies: A Review. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2023.4.

[12]   Do Muslim economies need insurance to grow? Answer from rigorous empirical evidence. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 2023,87(2):346–359.

[13]   中国海外仓发展现状与对策研究. 经济要参, 2022(47): 38-42.

[14]   Examining Energy Poverty in Chinese Households: An Engel Curve Approach. Australian Economic Papers. 2022.9.

[15]   Role of foreign direct investment in decomposing of scale and technique effects on China's energy consumption, International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2022.2.

[16]   Relationship between green investments, energy markets, and stock markets in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Energy Economics. 2021.10.

[17]   Unveiling the asymmetric impact of exports, oil prices, technological innovations, and income inequality on carbon emissions in India. Resources Policy. 2021.10.

[18]   How Energy Consumption, Industrial Growth, Urbanization, and CO2 Emissions Affect Economic Growth in Pakistan? A Novel Dynamic ARDL Simulations Approach,Energy. Published Cover Data:15 April 2021.     

[19]   An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technological downstream operations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Published Cover Data: April 2021. 

[20]   Should The Fourth Industrial Revolution Be Widespread or Confined Geographically?A Country-Level Analysis of Fintech Economies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Published Cover Data: February 2021. Article 120442. 

[21]   Financing clean energy projects: New empirical evidence from major investment countries. Renewable Energy. Published Cover Data: May 2021. Pages 231-241.   

[22]   Analyzing Nonlinear Impact of Economic Growth Drivers on CO2 Emissions:Designing an SDG Framework for India. Energy Policy. Published Cover Data: January 2021, Article 111965.

[23]   Heterogeneous effect of Eco-innovation and human capital on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption: Disaggregate analysis for G7 Countries. Energy. Published Cover date: 15 October 2020, Article 118405.

[24]   The Effect of Renewable Energy Consumption on Economic Growth: Evidence from the Renewable Energy Country Attractive Index, Energy, Published Cover date: 15 September 2020, Article 118162.     

[25]   Determinants of FDI in France: Role of Transport Infrastructure, Education, Financial Development and Energy Consumption, International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2020.10.28.

[26]   The impact of technological innovation and public-private partnership investment on Sustainable environment in China: Consumption-based carbon emissions analysis, Sustainable Development, 2020, 8(5):1317-1330.    

[27]   Trade and technological innovation: The catalysts for climate change and way forward for COP21. Journal of Environmental Management. Published Cover date: 1 September 2020, Article 110774.  

[28]   Analyzing Technology-Emissions Association in Top-10 Polluted MENA Countries: How to Ascertain Sustainable Development by Quantile Modeling Approach. Journal of Environmental Management. Published Cover date: 1 August 2020, Article 110602.

[29]   Consumption-based carbon emissions and International trade in G7 countries: The role of Environmental innovation and Renewable energy. Science of the Total Environment, Published Cover date: 15 August 2020, Article 138945.

[30]   Natural resource abundance, technological innovation, and human capital nexus with financial development: A case study of China, Resources Policy, Published Cover date: March 2020, Article 101585.

[31]   The Renewable Energy Consumption-Environmental Degradation Nexus in Top-10 Polluted Countries: Fresh Insights from Quantile-on-Quantile Regression Approach. Renewable Energy. 2020, 150: 670-690.

[32]   Public-Private Partnerships Investment in Energy as New Determinant of CO2 Emissions: The Role of Technological Innovations in China, Energy Economics. 2020, 86: 1-12. 

[33]   Revisiting Chinese Resource Curse Hypothesis Based on Spatial Spillover Effect: A Fresh Evidence, Resources Policy. 2019,64(12):1-10.    

[34]   Resource Curse Hypothesis and Role of Oil Prices in USA, Resources Policy. 2019,64 (12): 1-11.

[35]   Impact of trade openness on GDP growth: Does TFP Matter? The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2019, 28 (8): 960-995.

[36]   快递企业服务制造业物流的合作收益分配研究——基于修正的Raiffa解模型分析. 商业经济与管理, 2020(06):18-27.   

[37] 基于全产业链的无人机物流行业监管体系设计. 中国科技论坛,2019(11):38-47.   

[38] 大数据驱动下的共享单车短期需求预测商业经济与管理, 2018(08):16-25.   

[39] 品类差异下的消费者购物价值与零售业转型升级路径——兼议新零售的实践形式商业经济与管理, 2019(7): 5-17.    

[40] 中国城市消费的空间分布与空间相关关系研究经济地理, 2013,33(3): 41-46.    

[41] 国内外食品安全监管体系的比较研究. 华南农大学报, 2010,9(4):59-65. 

[1] Development Status and Management Model of the Internet of Things in China, National Social Science Foundation Project, 2014

[2] Integration and Application Demonstration for Agricultural Supermarket Supply Chain System, China Ministry of Science and Technology, 2015

[3]  Logistics Development Planning of Xiong'an City, Xiong'an City Government, 2018

[4] JD Logistics Group's strategic in Xiong’an City, JD Logistics Group, 2018

[5] Smart Logistics System Design in Xiong'an Area and Service Strategy for Tianjin, Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, 2019

[6] Analysis of the Intelligent Logistics Industry in Modern Chinese Cities, CRRC Qiche Group, 2019

[7] Accelerating the Development of Tianjin Aviation Logistics Industry, Tianjin Free Trade Zone, 2019

[8] Tianjin Postal Industry "14th Five Year Plan" Development Research, Tianjin Postal Administration, 2020

[9] Cost Reduction in the Logistics Industry of Hainan Free Trade Port, Hainan Development and Reform Commission, 2022

[10] High Quality Development Strategies for the Gig Economy, Cloud Account (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., 2022

E-commerce and Intelligent Logistics PHD

Engineering System Modeling and Simulation MSc

Intelligent Logistics MSc

Case Study for China’s Cutting Edge Logistics MSc