Research & Faculty
Yulong Zhou

Associate Professor,

Office Hours:By Appointment

CV Website:



Fields:regional policy evaluation, urban economic development, and poverty alleviation development

Lecturer at the China Regional Policy Research Center and Regional Economic Application Laboratory, Institute of Economic and Social Development, Nankai University. He studied for his undergraduate and master's degrees at Xiamen University and Renmin University of China respectively. He obtained a doctoral degree in economics in 2017 and visited UIUC-REAL for one year from 2015 to 2016. I am mainly engaged in research in the field of regional economic development and policy evaluation. In recent years, I have published more than 20 papers in journals such as China Economic Review, Land Use Policy, China Industrial Economy, and Management World. I have led research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Program, Tianjin Social Science Program, and China Postdoctoral Fund General Program.

Thesis monograph


[1] Jidong Yang, Bin Huang, Qijing Yang, Yulong Zhou (corresponding author), Impact of the US – China trade war on resource allocation: Evidence from China's land supply China Economic Review202276101854.

[2] Zhou Yulong, Li Lanbing, The Impact of Intercity High Speed Rail on Land Value: Evidence from the Beijing Tianjin Intercity Railway, China Economic Issues: May 2022

[3] Zhou Yulong, Yang Jidong, Yao Peng. Looking at the spatiotemporal evolution of land supply in China from micro data: also on the use of micro parcel transaction data. Urban Issues, 2022, 9

[4] Zhou Yulong, Wang Yuan, Reform of Rural Poverty Alleviation Policies in the 100 Years since the Founding of the Communist Party of China: Evolution, Experience, and Direction, Qilu Academic Journal: May 2021

[5] Zhou Yulong, Sun Xiangwei, Research on Measuring Spatial Spillover Effects from the Perspective of Spatial Econometrics, Statistics and Decision: 2021, 17

[6] Zhenhua Chen, Yulong Zhou (corresponding author), Kingsley E. Haynes, Change in land use structure in urban China: Does the development of high speed rail make a difference? Land Use Policy20208

[7] Liu Binglian, Zhu Junfeng, Zhou Yulong, Evolution and Future Prospects of China's Regional Economic Theory, Managing the World: 2020, 2

[8] Zhou Yulong, Sun Jiuwen, Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Poverty Alleviation and Development Policies Targeting National Poor Counties - An Empirical Study Based on County Data from 1990 to 2010, Nankai Economic Research: May 2019

[9] Zhou Yulong, Yang Jidong, Huang Yanghua, Geoffrey J.D Hewings. Research on the Impact and Mechanism of High Speed Rail on Urban Land Prices: Evidence from Micro Land Transactions. China Industrial Economy: May 2018

[10] Zhou Yulong, Sun Jiuwen, Re estimation of China's poverty level -- Analysis of spatial heterogeneity based on China's comprehensive social survey, Journal of Renmin University of China: January 2017


[1] Zhou Yulong, Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation of China's Poverty Alleviation and Development Policies, 2021, Beijing: Economic Science Press

[2] Zhenhua ChenKingsley E. HaynesYulong ZhouZhaoxin DaiHigh Speed Rail and China’s New Economic GeographyEdward Elgar Publishing 2019

[1] Special funding for basic scientific research business expenses in central universities, research on the Sino US trade war and China's industrial transformation and upgrading, 2021, hosted by

[2] Peking University Lincoln Land Research Institute Research Project, Sino US Trade War and Local Government Resource Allocation, 2021, Hosted

[3] Key Entrusted Project of Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Planning, New Directions and Strategies for Regional Governance and Coordinated Development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei during the 14th Five Year Plan Period, 2020, Hosted

[4] National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, Research on the Impact of China's High Speed Railway on the Land Market - Analysis Based on Micro Land Transaction Data, 2019, Hosted

[5] Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Research on High Speed Railway, Factor Flow, and Regional Innovation Capacity Enhancement, 2019, hosted

[6] Special funding for basic scientific research business expenses in central universities, research on the impact of high-speed railways on land prices, 2018, hosted

[7] Tianjin Science and Technology Development Strategy Research Plan, Research on Urban Land Transfer Strategies under the Coordinated Development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, 2017, presided over

[8] Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2016 Program on the People's Republic of China, Spatial Impacts of High Speed Rail on Urban Transformation in China: Evidence from a Multilevel Assessment of Land Value Change, 2017, in collaboration with Chen Zhenhua

[9] Key research topic in Tianjin, research on building an international, market-oriented, and legalized business environment, 2017, hosted

[1] Management World 2020 Excellent Paper, 2021

[2] First Prize for Excellent Decision Consulting Research Results of Tianjin University Think Tanks, 2020

[3] Second Prize for Outstanding Paper at the Academic Annual Conference on Industrial Economy Research, 2020

[4] Tianjin "131" Innovative Talent Training Project, Third Level Talents, 2018

[5] Outstanding Graduates from Beijing, 2017

[6] First Prize for Excellent Paper in Economic Review 2015, 2016

[7] PhD National Scholarship, 2016

[8] Nomination Award for "Academic New Star" at Renmin University of China, 2016

Deputy Secretary General of Regional Economic Discipline Construction Committee of China Association for Regional Economics, anonymous reviewers of journals such as Growth and Change, Urban Studies, China's Industrial Economy, Economic Dynamics, China's Economic Issues, Economic Review, Economic Theory and Economic Management, etc

1. regional economics

Course type: Master's degree

Content introduction: This course plans to teach and discuss the basic theory and application of regional economics for students. In view of the exploration ideas for the basic theory of regional economy at home and abroad, we will interpret the relevant research contents of traditional regional economic issues in detail. At the same time, we will pay full attention to the innovation and development of regional economics, as well as the use of new tools. In the course, we will properly introduce some empirical expansion research based on the new economic geography model, and strive to explain in detail the scientific research ideas and research methods that combine theory, demonstration and policy. Through the study of the course, students can form a systematic understanding of the theory and application of regional economics, master the general characteristics of the evolution of China's regional economy, use the frontier methods of regional economics to analyze the current situation and existing problems of China's regional economic development, and lay the foundation for the development of regional economics frontier theory and empirical research.

2. Regional Economic Analysis Methods

Course type: Master's degree

Content introduction: The purpose of this course is to enable graduate students of regional economics and related majors to master the relevant theories of regional policies and mainstream econometric policy impact assessment methods, and to operate stata for scientific research related to regional policies.