Research & Faculty
Na Li

Assistant Professor,

Office Hours:By Appointment

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Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering,


Fields:sustainable supply chain management, platform economy, intelligent logistics.

Na Li is a teacher of logistics at Nankai University College of Economic and Social Development. She holds a Ph.D. from Beijing Institute of Technology, and came to Nankai University after graduation in 2023. Her research interests are sustainable supply chain management, corporate social responsibility, platform economy and intelligent logistics. She has published several papers in international famous journals, such as Production and Operations Management (POM), International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), Annals of Operations Research (ANOR), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (TRE) and so on. The paper published on TRE was selected as a highly cited ESI paper. Her paper published on POM have been selected by Wiley for top cited paper and the top 10 most downloaded papers in 2021 in POM. Na has participated in multiple general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and served as an anonymous reviewer for journals such as TRE and ANOR.  

Thesis monograph

[1] Li, G., Li, N., & Sethi, S. P. (2021). Does CSR reduce idiosyncratic risk? Roles of operational efficiency and AI innovation. Production and Operations Management, 30(7), 2027-2045.

[2] Li, N., & Li, G. (2022). Hybrid partheno-genetic algorithm for multi-depot perishable food delivery problem with mixed time windows. Annals of Operations Research, DOI:10.1007/s10479-022-04747-8.

[3] Li, G., Li, N., Sambandam, N., Sethi, S. P., & Zhang, F. (2018). Flow shop scheduling with jobs arriving at different times. International Journal of Production Economics, 206, 250-260.

[4] Li, G., Xue, J., Li, N., & Ivanov, D. (2022). Blockchain-supported business model design, supply chain resilience, and firm performance. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 163, 102773.

[5] Li, G., & Li, N. (2019). Customs classification for cross-border e-commerce based on text-image adaptive convolutional neural network. Electronic Commerce Research, 19, 779-800.

[6] Xue, J., Li, G., & Li, N. (2022). Does green and sustainable engagement benefit online platforms in supply chains? The role of green and public concern. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 25(4-5), 678-693.

[1] Outstanding Graduates of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2023

[2] Outstanding doctoral dissertation, 2023

[3] National Doctoral Scholarship, 2021

[4] Outstanding Graduate Student Model of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2021

[5] Second Prize for Excellent Thesis of the China Logistics Society, 2021

Served as an anonymous reviewer for journals such as Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Annals of Operations Research and Electronic Commerce Research.

Doctoral courses taught

l  Big data models and methods in Logistics

Postgraduate courses taught

l  Machine learning and Big data analysis in Logistics