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Aug 20 2020
Wang Yufei donated anti-epidemic materials to our university

"Together, we overcome difficulties" seems to be the motto for these new times. The control and prevention work done in the battle against the new epidemic by their alma mater moved the alumni hearts.

A few days ago, Wang Yufei, a graduate from the MHA program, donated ten thousand disposable masks to the College of Economic and Social Development. Apart from being the founder of Guangzhou Youwo Medical Products, Wang is a graduate from Group 20 of the MHA joint program between Nankai University and Flinders University.

During the epidemic, Wang was very concerned about the staff working in the College of Economic and Social Development. When the working activities resumed in Tianjin, Wang Yufei contacted the College and donated 10,000 disposables masks. She hopes that these materials can do their part to protect teachers and students on the return of their normal activities. After receiving the donation, our College distributed it to the administration and teaching staff.

Without a doubt, Wang Yufei's good deeds show the quality of Nankai Alumni and how they adhere to the school motto and their patriotism. We believe that with the encouragement and help of our alumni, Nankai will be able to continue its epidemic prevention and control, taking care of every teacher and student.