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Jun 02 2020
Scholars from Nankai discuss the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port

On May 30, the Hainan Research Center of Nankai University and the College of Economic and Social Development co-hosted the academic forum: “Construction of the Hainan Tree Trade Port under the COVID-10: Theory and Policy”. The School of Economics, the Law School, and the Zhou Enlai School of Government participated in the forum. More than 20 experts and scholars from the State Council Development Research Center, the China International Economic Exchange Center, the China Macroeconomics Research Institute, the Ministry of Commerce, Hainan University and Nankai University conducted in-depth discussions on the challenges and opportunities faced on the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port under the pandemic.

Cao Xuetao, President of Nankai University and Dean of the Hainan Research Center; Hou Zixin, former president of Nankai University and honorary Dean of the Hainan Research Center; Tong Jiadong, former Vice-president of Nankai University and Professor at the School of Economics; Liang Qi, professor at the School of Economics and Zhou Hongtao, President of the Nankai’s Hainan Alumni Association were among the attendees.

The opening ceremony of the forum was chaired by Liu Binglian, Executive Dean of the Hainan Research Institute. Liang Qi and Wang Yinjun, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the College of Economic and Social Development, delivered their speeches.

In his opening speech, President Tao pointed out the importance of this academic forum. The construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port has been through several stages; the last of them was the uncertainty led by the new epidemic.

The purpose of the forum was to explore development strategies and provide information for decision-making for the Hainan Provincial Government.

The Hainan Research Center, established at the end of 2019, was one of the results of a cooperation agreement signed in 2008 between Nankai University and the Hainan Provincial Government.

During the opening ceremony, President Cao participated in a video call with Nankai’s alumni in Hainan. “Knowing and serving China “is a motto that represents the tradition of Nankai. Cao stated that the hopes this forum helps them to contribute to building a better Hainan in the future.

Zhou Hongtao, on behalf of the Hainan alumni, expressed his sincere thanks to the participants for their suggestions. He said that the alumni would do their best to contribute not only to Hainan’s development but also to their alma mater.

The scholars who participated in the forum believe that, in this post-epidemic era, arises a new problem which is the increasingly fierce competition worldwide. Thus, the construction of the Free Trade Port shoulders a historical mission.