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Dec 30 2019
Annual Work Conference

On December 27, 2019. The College of Economic and Social Development held the 2019 Annual Work Conference.

At the meeting, Vice Dean Bai Xuejie presented a detailed report of the overall work of the college in terms of scientific research, publications, academic exchanges, student training, Sino-foreign projects, and administration.

Afterwards, Professor Liu Binglian, Dean of the college, made a series of comments based on the highlights of the work done during the past year. He believes that 2019 has shown to be very satisfactory.

Regarding scientific research, Professor Liu praised the quality of the research done in 2019 and the improvement of the internationalization.

At the end of the meeting, three professors from the faculty, Pang Ruizhi, Liu Weilin, and Xiao Jianhua presented reports from their exchanges abroad and their work plan for the following year.